Thanksgiving and Christmas break causing positive COVID-19 cases
Students work on homework in math teachers Summer Huber’s Algebra II class. As of last week, teachers were required to Zoom or have video instructions for their quarantined students.
Imagine being quarantined for nearly a month because a family member tested positive for COVID-19, then coming back to school for a day and being quarantined again. Quarantine life is the reality for my sister, sophomore Sophia Rightnar is failing two classes because she can not take tests and is drowning in homework. Some friends of mine have been quarantined up to four times and are having the same problem. Quarantine is causing an overwhelming amount of stress on students and is only one of the reasons why Augusta should go online.
“I have been quarantined four times and fell behind in school because of it,” senior Zack Timberlake said.
After Thanksgiving break, I witnessed at least 20 students being quarantined. I do not know the correct number due to not being able to access accurate information, but I am sure there are more students. The students that were quarantined were close contacts or tested positive for COVID-19. The outbreaks within our school will only get worse after Christmas break. Douglass, Circle, Rose Hill and surrounding Wichita high schools have all gone online to continue school for the reason being to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Do not get me wrong, being in person for school is very important. When school was online last year at the beginning of the pandemic, I felt like I did not retain much, but this year, teachers have Zoom and grades can be put in as zeros if students do not complete the work. With grades being able to drop, students will interact more and it gives them a reason to have to retain information.
Being a person who has had COVID-19, I am scared to possibly get it again. I had a terrible headache for a week, chest pains, horrible nausea, and much more. Two of my friends have had family members pass away after contracting COVID-19.
I feel the school needs to go online to help stop the spread. I understand wanting to stay in school, but the pandemic has really started to affect students’ mental and physical health. Some are afraid to walk into the school because of the possibility of contracting the virus.
I believe going online will help students have somewhat of a break mentally and physically. Going online will not only benefit students, but will help stop the spread within Butler County.

Senior Ivory Rightnar is a reporter on The Oriole staff. She enjoys playing multiple sports (volleyball and softball) and cheering on her school’s activities....