Softball creates bonds between players


Riley watches a play develop as she decides to stay third base or make the move home run and score another point for Augusta. She has enjoyed her season with her best friend junior Kennadi Poore on the team with her.

From the sound of the softball contacting the bat to the home run cheers of the crowd and the sound of someone sliding in the dirt to the base. This is a normal softball game for freshman Camera Riley and junior Kennadi Poore. 

Before they started softball they were not close, but during the season, they became closer than they had imagined. They both play positions that require communication with each other, and that is when they became really close. 

“We started getting really close when we found out that we would both be playing middle infield together, it gave us something to look forward to every day,” Riley said. 

On or off the field, they always pick each other up if the other makes a mistake or feels down. For Riley, having Poore there makes the games more fun and enjoyable because Poore always lightens the mood and makes the bad days good again.

“We were friends before softball started, but when we started softball, we played short and second, so we really have to talk and communicate,” Poore said. 

For Poore, having one good friend to play with can change the whole game and make it a sport they both love and enjoy. With Poore and Riley both having to communicate with each other, they got closer during softball and became really close with each other. One of their favorite things to do together is either a fist bump or chest bump during the games. 

“Usually when we are on the field together, we will talk really loud and get everyone excited and pumped up, but without her on the field I feel like it’s not as fun and a lot more quiet,” Riley said.