Senior newspaper members reflect on high school years: Chadd Brown

My name is Chadd Brown, and I have been a reporter for the Oriole newspaper since my sophomore year of high school. Although I had never planned on joining the newspaper class, it was one of the best decisions I made during my high school experience. 

Before I had joined the newspaper, I had no interest in journalism and especially had no interest in writing, but throughout the past three years of being on staff, I have found journalism to be intriguing, fun and difficult. Journalism never seemed to stop; it was always a never-ending cycle, which brought many rewards and challenges. When the podcast began it was a whole new thing for me to learn, but the reward I received once I was able to constantly film was a great feeling. 

My plans for the future include attending Hastings College in Nebraska where I will play golf and acquire a business degree. Golf has always been a passion of mine, and now that I get to play at a collegiate level is a dream come true. I never thought I would attend a college out of the state, but I feel that getting out of my comfort zone will be good for me in the future. 

I feel that I have left a good impression of myself during high school, and hope that the lessons I learned will benefit me in the years to come. Being a part of many groups such as newspaper, golf, Principal’s Advisory Council (PAC), Student Athletic Leadership Team (SALT), O-Zone and AVID has helped me expand my social shell during high school. 

Thank you to this high school officially from Chadd Brown via Double D.