As school year ends, students lose motivation
Sophomore Isabella Shafer and sophomore Trinity Logan Students sit in class feeling unmotivated. They are stressed for the end of year finals.
From the moment school starts, students think about the end of the year, and as it gets closer and closer students are nervous for finals.
From seniors being ready to leave to freshmen who are ready to be sophomores. By the time the end of the year comes around students are eager to leave, especially seniors with only having 5 classes their second semester.
“The hardest thing is waking up for school and having the motivation to go even if it’s only for a few hours,” senior Jase Christiansen said.
Christiansen dreads going to his English class because it is stressful for him since his senior project is almost due. He is ready for school to be over and for it to be summer, so that he can visit Germany and graduate. Christiansen along with other students are ready for summer and all of their summer plans.
“I’m really excited to hangout with my friends this summer and have more time to do things I like,” freshman Madison Renville said.
During the school year, Renville is absorbed in school, and it is hard for her to see her friends or do anything else she might want to do. She is bummed that she can not see her friends often, but she is focused on her school work. Renville is ready to get out of her geometry class as is sophomore Emma Thatcher because of how much it stresses them out and all of the homework thrown at them.
“I am really stressed about finals; my algebra final is going to be the hardest one for me. I have barely been getting through that class,” sophomore Emma Thatcher said.

This is senior Alyssa Ferrell's third year on staff. She enjoys seeing her friends, working, and volleyball.