Additional hat days would increase donations, help local charities


Photo by Trent Cabrales

Junior Ace Helms wears his hat and can not keep a smile off of his face. Helms likes his Kansas City Chiefs hat

Timmy woke up remembering it was hat day at school, so he grabbed his favorite bucket hat and made sure he had an extra dollar to pay for the opportunity to show off his hat to his friends. He walked out the door with his hat and drove to school with a sense of pride knowing that today since he had money he could break a rule. so he pulls up to school and takes his dollar into school and gives it to the nice person at the money table and walks to class like a normal day. 

Students who wear hats feel almost exactly like Timmy felt, but this year, hat days have been almost obsolete. Usually, it is a dollar donation but students had been willing to pay more.

“I am fine paying like $5 if I need to. I just want to wear a hat every day,” junior Patrick Dieter said.

Hat day donations go to a cause that is beneficial to not only the student but also the organization that utilizes the donations. 

Paying to wear a hat at school is acceptable for sophomore Jake Hall.

“I think it is normally for a charity or donation for a good cause, so I have no problem with that dollar,” Hall said.

Students should be allowed to wear hats on school spirit days according to junior Ace Helms. 

“You could wear a hat associated with whatever was going on,” Helms said.

Sophomore Austin Winter knows of students at other schools who are allowed to wear hats no matter what day.

“I know people that go to school in El Dorado, and they wear hats all the time,” Winter said.

Winter agrees with Hall that the money from the donations of hat days go to a good cause and are well worth it.

“One day, it was just pre-canned food and it helps out people who are in need and do not have food, but basically helps out everybody, and if you don’t have money then bring a canned food,” Winter said.