Teachers aides helping little in class
Senior Riley Athy-Sedbrook getting ready to leave the class to go somewhere. She is helping out in Joan Richarts WWll & the Holocost class.
Pencils scratching, students testing and a teacher’s aide in the back of the class grading assignments. Aides help a lot in the teachers eyes, but in reality they have little to do most of the time.
In class, aides usually do little work in class, with grading and other little errands the teacher needs them to do.
“She grades like worksheets and tests that’s just like the multiple choice and the matching part.” WWII Teacher Joan Reichart said. “If I am a few copies short, I can send her up to the office and have copies for me.”
Teachers see aides as a good addition to the class.
“They [ades] have been around all 31 years that I’ve been here and they’ve always been tremendously helpful,” Reichart said.
Aides themselves like they don’t do much.
“I’d say at most, I’d spend half the class really grading or if she has small assignments like cutting up papers or hanging things on the wall,” senior Riley Athy-Sedbrook said. “Mostly, it only takes half a class.”
Athy-Sedbrook is not alone with spending half the class on work for her teacher. Senior Ryker White also does the same.
“I work about half the class on aide stuff and the other half working on homework or anything like that,” White said
Aides find themself being bored during class with not much to do.
“Usually, I don’t have much to do unless there was an assignment the day before. Athy-Sedbrook said. “Most of the time, I spend my time in the library or in the class working on homework.”
Although teachers’ aides might not work the whole class, in the teacher’s eyes they are a good addition to the class and will be happy to have them in class for years to come.

Senior Isaac Basquez is a first-year crew editor for The Oriole, and it is his third year on staff. He spends his free time listening to music and being...