Facebook changes worldwide
Facebook is a social network service that founder Mark Zuckerberg launched in February 2004, founded by Mark Zuckerberg. The site was initially going to be used by Harvard students, but over two years, the idea expanded into a worldwide network. People who were 13 years of age or above could eventually form an account and gain virtual friends as long as they had a valid email.
“I started on Facebook when I was 13, and I’ve grown to understand the concept and reasoning behind the idea,” senior Bryar Belt said.
In 2004, one million people worldwide used Facebook. By 2013, 1,230 million people use the network. According to market watch, the number of people 13 and older using Facebook was 67 percent in 2017 but declined to 62 percent in 2018. In 2019, the percentage of users 13 and older is a total of 61 percent.
“I think it’s too old fashioned. It’s been around a long time and younger people just don’t care as much,” junior Kinley Bonham said.
In the beginning, Facebook allowed users to create an account with a tiny biography, have a profile photo and post photos. Now, users can make their biography as long as they want, post photos, videos, music and more with just a click.
“I like watching those satisfying videos. I don’t really look at what people are doing; I don’t care.
I don’t really like posting or interacting on Facebook. They have fun videos on there that I watch,” Bonham said.
With Facebook being world-wide, most users under the age of 18 use it to keep track of how their distant family and friends are doing.
“The main reason I use Facebook is so I can keep up with family and friends and make it like a cool thing I guess, so I post random stuff so they know how my life is going,” senior Tiffany Vant Leven said.
In 2004, Facebook Messenger was not invented, users could not set up notifications or check the wall for the day. Until 2006 came and when major updates were required to make the app as functional as it could have been.

Senior Sydnee Kuhn, was on the staff for Clear Lake Reflections newspaper at her old school in Texas, this is her third year on the Augusta high school...