Homecoming changes due to COVID-19
Homecoming candidates (right to left) Zack Timberlake, Morgan Pennycuff, Taylor Braungardt, Josh Manahan, Ryan Andrews, Jadyn Jackson, Payton Haskell and Duke Lichlyter stand together for a picture. King and queen will be announced Friday Oct. 2 at 6:40 p.m. before the home game against Buhler.
A cool fall breeze, the sight of girls dressed up in beautiful dresses, candy falling on the ground and hearing the crowd clap and cheer are just some of the memories that homecoming comes with. Due to COVID-19, homecoming 2020 will be changed quite a bit.
“There will be no homecoming parade this year, due to the city canceling it,” StuCo sponsor Deana Walls said.
The city canceled the parade because of the fear of spreading the coronavirus, but are trying to make it up to all 155 seniors by making gift bags.
The school will still have a spirit week along with homecoming candidates and the crowning ceremony at the football game.
“Powderpuff is canceled, along with the pep assembly, COVID took a toll on homecoming this year,” Walls said.
As for the homecoming football game, Principal Rick Rivera has allowed up to 50 students to attend the game; seniors get the chance to be one of these 50 students first. Social distancing and masks are required at the game. This change will bring more normality to homecoming, making homecoming a little more special to this year’s candidates. The candidates are seniors Jadyn Jackson, Ryan Andrews, Payton Haskell, Duke Lichlyter, Taylor Braungardt, Josh Manahan, Morgan Pennycuff, and Zack Timberlake.
“This year, our dads will be driving us up in the golf carts instead of someone involved in a sport or club; I’m guessing this is due to social distancing and just being cautious,” Pennycuff said.
As for spirit week, Monday will be pajama day, Tuesday is Hawaiian day, Wednesday is favorite team/jersey day, Thursday is throwback to your favorite decade day, and Friday is orange and black day.
“I like this year’s spirit week themes a lot more than last years; these themes are going to be more fun and personal in a way,” Haskell said.
COVID may have taken away some homecoming traditions this year, but the town and school staff are doing everything in their power to make this homecoming feel as normal and special as possible.
“I think it is awesome that Mr. Rivera is allowing seniors to come watch the game, it will make homecoming feel more normal,” Timberlake said.

Senior Ivory Rightnar is a reporter on The Oriole staff. She enjoys playing multiple sports (volleyball and softball) and cheering on her school’s activities....