Save the Internet Act Passes the House


A symbol for net neutrality. Net neutrality keeps the internet free and open–enabling anyone to share and access information of their choosing without interference.

The Save the Internet Act bill passed Wednesday, April 10 in the House of Representatives that would revert the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to revoke net neutrality.

It was a 232-190 vote after months of debate and committee hearings in the House. This is seen as one of the biggest steps forward to restore the FCC’s controversial decision to revoke net neutrality.

Net neutrality, in short, allows free internet. It also blocks internet service providers from throttling internet speeds or blocking websites behind a paywall, such as paying for YouTube, Spotify, Discord, etc.

Students were also happy to hear the House vote.

“I’m glad that it is [passed] because maybe something will get done with so we don’t spend hundreds of bucks on the internet,” Sarah Price (11) said.

Sarah Oliver (10) supports net neutrality and disagrees with the FCC’s decision to revoke net neutrality.

“I think that it’s unnecessary… I don’t think we need to ‘rescript’ the internet,” Oliver said.

Price also disagrees with the FCC’s decision to remove net neutrality.

“I think if we are paying for internet, we shouldn’t have to pay for separate things that require the internet,” Price said.

Although Kyle Scott (11) supports net neutrality, he thinks about the actual change of net neutrality.

“While on one hand, I think that the FCC just wants money, on the other hand, I don’t think [net neutrality] changed much of anything,” Scott said.

Math teacher Christina Cox also disagrees with the FCC’s decision.

“Honestly, I don’t think there should be any restrictions,” Cox said. “I do understand paying for things, like a Netflix account, but having to pay for YouTube videos is silly.”

The Senate will vote on the Save the Internet Act in the future.