Class members learn the art of teaching
Chloe Smeltzer helping with a student’s work. Smeltzer hopes to do this as a career in her future.
If students ever thought they wanted to become a teacher, the high school offers a class to help prepare them for their future jobs. In the teaching career/observation class, they learn how to run a class, deal with children and just the gist of the classroom.
Junior Chloe Smeltzer has taken away a trick from observing a preschool classroom.
“The preschoolers spent almost the entire time I was there doing recess so they could run all their wiggles out,” Smeltzer said.
The class does not observe all year round though. They focus on other more logistic parts of teaching.
“We do all classroom stuff where I teach them about how to manage a classroom and different engaging activities to do,” Ashley Deaver, the teacher of the teaching career/observation class said . “Then in the second semester, they get to go out to different classrooms, and they have to go to multiple classrooms.”
Students do more than just observe when they are in the classroom; they also help with the childrens work.
“Sometimes, I’ll go through their morning problems to see if they got it right or not,” junior Kinyan Forrester said.
Smeltzer learned some class logistics while she was observing so she can implement them herself in the future.
“They have a list on the board for what they need to do, and they can complete it in that order. As one person finishes and another person does not, this person can move on to the next activity,” Smeltzer said.
Deaver has one tip that she wants students to implement when they are in class.
“One big thing, right now, for me is don’t be afraid to think outside of the box,” Deaver said. “Even if you feel constricted by some things around you, don’t be afraid to think outside of the box.”

Senior Isaac Basquez is a first-year crew editor for The Oriole, and it is his third year on staff. He spends his free time listening to music and being...