Book club encourages students to enjoy reading

Photo credit Casey Penner

Students talking about upcoming events and books they are going to read. Book club has smaller meetings on Tuesdays for students who want to go and bigger and more attended meetings the last Thursday of the month.

Bookworms gather around the couches and whiteboard in the library to discuss the book “The Prison Healer” for the Thursday book club meeting. 

Library and media specialist Casey Penner plans book club activities and what goes on at their weekly meetings. 

“We do various activities, sometimes we write stories, or things similar to that, it normally just depends on what Penner has for us, and we get owl bags,” senior River Bills said. 

If the students at book club are not writing stories, they can be found doing book talks. 

“We talk about books we are reading and give book suggestions, and we talk about the events we are doing such as paint night,” senior Lola Tuschhoff said. 

Everyone goes to book club for a reason senior Elisa Stubby goes because it provides her with something to do at the end of the day. 

“My favorite part is the bigger book club meeting because I get to talk to other people who also enjoy reading and by ace my brain is dead so it is nice to go to,” Stubby said.  “I just like being around friends and something to do at the end of the day if I have no homework.”

Paint night took place Nov. 29 from 3 – 5 P.M., in the library. Book club and art club students painted a picture of stacked books. (Photo by TiAna Arnn )

While it gives Stubby something to do, Penner likes being a part of book club because she has the opportunity to hang out with students who have the same interests. 

“I get to hanging out with other book people who are excited and getting to talk to other readers who are not like reading is dumb there is a lot of good people with good recommendations,” Penner said. 

While the book club gives Penner a chance to talk to other book readers, for junior Giselle Mestas it is a place for her to communicate her ideas. 

“I enjoy the environment. They create it calm and friendly and just bring up your ideas and feel listened to,” Mestas said.

Some students can not attend a meeting since they are at art club so this year the two clubs decided to do a paint night together. 

“I am excited we brought it up to them since we have lots of overlap in our clubs, so it will be fun,” Penner said.