Project Powder Room provides free feminine products
Project Powder Room presents their idea to Rick Rivera, Jennifer Dawson, Harmony Davis and Audrey Neuschafer. The group will provide feminine products in bathrooms within a few months.
Because of new phone regulations, a group of students decided to start Project Powder Room to provide feminine products for people who need them.
New phone regulations in bathrooms made sophomores Emmie Johnston, Lacey Smith, Adriana Otto, Santana Lichlyter, Maeve Fleming, Rylee Sanger, Claire Brown, Stacia Pennycuff and Camrea Riley decide to help females feel more comfortable in the bathrooms.
“We meet every Wednesday for our Bible study, and it came up in topic how upsetting it was that we couldn’t call a friend if we had an accident in the bathroom, so it came up how can we, without getting rid of this new rule, make [feminine products] more accessible in the easiest way possible,” Pennycuff said.
The regulations have caused attendance issues in class. There is also the issue of girls being unable to get the products they need.
“The goal of Project Powder Room is a variety of things, sometimes all girls can’t afford the feminine products they need, and there’s also attendance,” Johnston said. “Girls have to be called out of school because of feminine issues,”
While in school, girls may have unexpected feminine issues that may cause stress and anxiety. 86 percent of women have started their period without the necessary supplies.
“I hope that this achieves a better attendance record, and no one will be ashamed or awkward about getting things they need,” Johnston said.
Project Powder Room is accepting financial and feminine product donations to set up two bathrooms. The group is responsible for checking and restocking the bathrooms; the bathrooms will also be checked three times a day.
“We are looking for donations for any supplies that we need, anything from cleansing wipes, tampons, pads, anything like deodorant, perfume,” Pennycuff said.
The group is not concerned about theft as all the products in bathrooms are for anyone to take if they need them.
“Initially, I was worried about people abusing it, so just be prepared to restock frequently,” school nurse Jennifer Dawson said.
This year is a pilot of how they are going to work out financials and how they will continue this in the future years. The group hopes to use money and product donations from partnerships like Bright Futures Augusta, School Nurse Partnership, and with school activities.
“The first challenge we had was facing a budget,” Pennycuff said. “How much can we really spend to keep this up every year? We worked out a budget plan with administration,”
Project Powder Room will be providing a variety of products in school bathrooms this year including tampons, pads, panty liners, personal wipes, deodorant, body wash, body spray, period kits, underwear in four sizes, and leggings in five sizes. Currently, Principal Rick Rivera has not decided when this will be implemented but the group will have several meetings to decide this.

Junior Emily Brinkley is a third-year member of the staff and has taken on the role of Editor-in-Chief for The Oriole. She first joined the newspaper to...