Students visit colleges through school organized events
October 11, 2021
The junior AVID class visits Emporia State University. The juniors met with admission staff and discussed admission and financial aid
Every year, students go on college trips, either grade-level classes or through school organized groups.
A survey conducted by the Association of American Colleges and Universities in May 2021 showed only 55 percent of students attending high school feel prepared for life after graduation.
“My mom, the first in our family to graduate college, gave me a new perspective on being able to go to college,” English teacher Megan Springs said. “Seeing where she got her books and where her classes were really made me feel like I could do it, too.”
Other teachers, even without the personal point of reference, feel students should have a better understanding of what college life is like
“It’s important for students to actually be able to be on a campus and get a sense of what it’s like to be in college,” JAG-K specialist Christy Pray said.
JAG and AVID students both had the opportunity to participate in college trips to learn more about what it is like to be in college.
“The trips are actually quite informative for younger people like myself,” JAG freshman Antonio Meade said “they help find classes for your later high school years, as well as an example of a college you may want to go to.”
Though JAG was not designed for college prep, AVID is a class created for college readiness.
“We could take more trips,” AVID freshman Hailey Manahan said, “and I don’t think that it gets in the way of our education even if a full day is missed.”