Senior night moved due to pandemic

Photo courtesy Gus Garcia

Senior Ely Wilcox stands with his parents on the track at Hillier Stadium after his name was announced. Senior night for football, cheerleading, dance, cross country, and golf was Friday, Sept. 4.

Sports were one thing everyone was skeptical about due to the pandemic. Students and families were not sure if athletes would even be playing this year. 

The school staff was not sure what the end of the season would bring, resulting in senior night coming at the beginning of this season rather than at the end.

“Senior night felt different for me because it was at the beginning instead of the end of the year. It was still a good feeling because it felt really cool to be one of the oldest out there, and I am really glad my family could still come to support me,” senior Wyatt Pankratz said.

Since senior night had to be rescheduled, most sports had to have their own ceremony.

“Normally, all the seniors in fall sports and band would line up and walk at the same time, but this time they were all at different times,” senior Graycen Elliott said.

Senior Ely Wilcox was glad he actually got to participate in sports for his senior year.

“It definitely was not what I had imagined it to be; I was just happy to actually have a senior night and get to play,” Wilcox said.

At the sports events, the student section is always yelling and singing for the team. Some fans and athletes may get annoyed by the students and just want to focus on the game, but others truly enjoy having the students there to support.

“If I could change anything, I would have kept the student section. It is so quiet without the cheers, and I love dressing up with my peers. It is really sad that the people who want to support their teams cannot go,” Elliott said.

Senior night is always filled with many different emotions for athletes, parents, friends, and coaches. 

“It kind of made me actually realize that this was my last year to play with all my friends, but it was also a good feeling to be shown in front of all my friends and family,” Wilcox said.