Cross country trains hard for new season


Keelynn Barnett (9) and Porsha Zweifel (9) take to the track for the teams’ warm-up.

Averaging at about 30-40 miles per week, the cross country team is practicing for a good season.

Head coach Steve Reichardt is preparing the runners for regionals and state meets by increasing the mileage per day.

“I felt that we needed to cover more miles as a team,” Reichardt said.

Reichardt feels this has helped increase the stamina of the runners and believes it will push them to compete better in regionals and state.

“Last year, we ran a half mile warm-up, and this year, we run a full mile,” Presley Williams (12) said.

Presley is confident about her performance for her final season.

“The first week we ran six miles almost every day,” Sophie Stevens (11) said.

Stevens is on varsity and went to regionals last season. She is hopeful to qualify again.

Bryce Helton (11) also on varsity is optimistic to make it to regionals and state.

Helton runs on the weekends in order to stay in shape and prepare for his races. Instead of needing to control his diet, Helton feels his running is enough.

“I can eat whatever I want since I run every day,” Helton said.

Jake Williams (9) is running cross country for the first time in his life.

“I wanted to do something other than football,” Jake said.